Государственный большой театр имени Салиха Сайдашева
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Great personalities

Great personalities. "Music by composers of modern Tatarstan"

In the new concert season the State Great Concert Hall named after Salikh Saydashev offers its listeners a family subscription "Great Personalities" dedicated to the works of the greatest Tatar composers of the 20th century:

-the first concert consists of songs and arias by Nazib Zhiganov;

-the second concert is dedicated to the music of composers of Soviet Tatarstan;

-the third concert will feature the music of our contemporaries, the current representatives of the Tatarstan school of composers.

Performers: honored artists of Tatarstan Vadim Zakiev, Ruslan Sayfutdinov, Aigiz Khanov, Chulpan Yusupova, Ilnar Miranov, Ilgiz Mukhutdinov. Artistic word - Tagir Ismagilov.

Great personalities are everlasting songs!

Beginning at 15.00


Developed in "Артклен" studio.